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Intuitive Insights

life scripting blog cover by Ellee Picken

The Power of Life Scripting

July 25, 20245 min read

Manifesting with Life Scripting

Known by many different names, I first learnt about Life Scripting when I was encouraged to write my dream day. Imagining myself there, feeling as if it were my present reality, was such an incredible feeling and shifted my energy instantly. But, once the activity was done, I put my book away and have barely looked at it since.

The second time I learnt about Life Scripting was different. I wrote about various parts of my life - my health, my relationships, my finances, my living situation - in the present and was encouraged to read this first thing every morning.

So, I did.

It was beautiful to connect into that energy each day but, after a week or so, I realised that it wasn't a good fit. If this Life Script was there to help me manifest this into reality, I was dreaming way too far ahead. It didn't feel achievable. My soul knew that it is possible (and very likely where I'm headed), but my human wasn't buying it. And if my human wasn't buying it, my energy was never going to be in the right place to call it in.

So, instead of my 'dream' life, I wrote out my 'what's next' life.

My 'what's next' life was a vision of moving from my tiny one-bedroom inner suburbs apartment (that had fulfilled its role in my healing journey) to somewhere with more space and, pretty please Universe, a bath for soaking in.

The next version of my Life Script (or what I had called my Life Vision Statement) started with “In a house with a bathtub and a backyard, I wake up…” and if you want to know how that turned out you can read the blog post here (spoiler: I got my house with a claw-foot tub and a backyard).

I won’t share with you every Life Script I’ve written because we’ll be here all day but let’s just say that I have used it to call in my incredible partner (and the healthy relationship we’re creating) and our beautiful home in WA – right on the river which we were picked from 70+ applicants… There’s not a doubt in my mind that this works!

Every time I manifest something, or perhaps my goal posts shift, I re-write my Life Script focusing on the ‘what’s next’ life. Not everything has come into fruition yet, but that’s just a matter of divine timing.

What is Life Scripting?

Life Scripting is a process of writing out a detailed narrative of what you want your life to look like (accomplishments, relationships, daily routines, and – most importantly – how all of this FEELS) and then using visualisation and intention setting to align your energy/vibration to attract it in. By writing your story as if it's already happening, you engage your subconscious mind, align with the universe, and set the wheels of manifestation in motion.

It’s not just setting goals; it’s an immersive experience

When you Life Script, you are:

  1. Getting Clarity: Writing forces you to be specific about what you want, helping you gain clarity on your desires. You choose the what and the Universe figures out the how.

  2. Engaging Your Emotions: Tapping into this next version of your life in detail allows you to access positive emotions on cue, aligning your vibration with your desires.

  3. Programming Your Subconscious: Repeatedly reading and writing your script reinforces positive beliefs and expectations in your subconscious mind. You're creating new neural pathways.

  4. Taking Inspired Action: As you immerse yourself in your script, you become more attuned to opportunities and take actions that align with your goals (whether you consciously realise it or not!).

life scripting

How to Write Your Life Script

Here are some steps to help you create a powerful Life Script:

  1. Your Environment Matters

    • Choose a quiet, comfortable space where you can focus without distractions.

    • Begin by setting an intention. Is there a specific area of life you’re wanting to improve or shift? Start there and let the rest follow.

  2. Write in the Present Tense

    • Describe your life as if everything you desire is happening right now. Use the present tense to reinforce the feeling that your dreams are already a reality.

    • For example, instead of writing, “I will have a successful business,” write, “I am the owner of a thriving business that brings me joy and abundance.”

  3. Be Specific and Detailed

    • The more detailed and specific your script, the better. Write about how things look, smell, sound, feel, the emotions that you’re experiencing, and specific situations.

    • For example, describe yourself drinking coffee at a bustling café overlooking the ocean with your best friend on a weekday. Or the feel of the luxurious linen you get to climb into in your king-sized bed. Or the smell of roses as you potter in your very own garden in springtime.  

  4. Focus on Positive Emotions

    • Lift your energy with the positive emotions you feel as you live your ideal life. Joy, gratitude, love, and excitement are powerful emotions that raise your vibration.

    • For example, “I feel grateful and excited every morning as I wake up in my beautiful home, next to my loving partner, as sunrise creeps through the soft curtains in our bedroom.”

  5. Keep It Believable

    • While it’s important to dream big, ensure your script feels believable to you. If a part of your script feels too far-fetched, scale it down slightly until it resonates with you. This doesn’t mean you can’t go bigger with time, just take reasonably sized steps to keep your human onside.

Making Life Scripting Part of Your Day

To get the most out of this practice, I encourage you to find a way to read it every day. Whether it's on your phone, printed, or you record yourself reading it and listen to the recording, tap into the energy and the vibration of this life you're calling in. As you do, allow yourself to fully experience the emotions and sensations of living your ideal life. See yourself in it, feel yourself there. And then watch it unfold. This is truly co-creating with the Universe.

Ellee is a qualified holistic counsellor accredited with IICT. She has a Bachelor in Complementary Medicine and is passionate about all things spiritual wellness.

Ellee Picken

Ellee is a qualified holistic counsellor accredited with IICT. She has a Bachelor in Complementary Medicine and is passionate about all things spiritual wellness.

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