manifesting bathtub house blog

In a house with a bathtub and a backyard...

April 23, 20228 min read

These were the exact words I wrote and read aloud for just four days before my dream 'next step' house came into my world. The thing is, I had absolutely no idea where I wanted to live or how it was going to eventuate. I just knew that I had outgrown my one-bedroom (shoebox) apartment in the inner 'burbs of Melbourne and my next evolution, along with the further evolution of ESP Souls, would lie within the walls of a bigger home - with a bathtub and a patch of grass to call my own.

I know I say it took just four days to manifest this dream home into existence but the truth is that I had been itching to move for about seven months. I originally had my heart set on a place near the forest, in the eastern suburbs near the mountain, still under an hour commute to my day job (I recently heard someone refer to it as their 'muggle job' and I love this so much!). But thanks to the never-ending lockdowns in Melbourne that deemed inspecting a property unsafe and unessential, that dream (devastatingly) fell through.

Next up I had a dramatic cut to my muggle job hours (and thus income), as my role moved to completely remote, which meant that paying any more for rent was out of the picture - and the budget. How on earth could I possibly find a bigger home without paying through the nose for it? A slither of me trusted the universe had a plan but my logical brain could not see a way through.

Following my intuition, I signed up for an online program to help me create greater alignment (my soul was doing spectacularly, my human not so much) and part of this was to script out the dream life you're calling in. Now, I've done personal development work, I've done a lot of woo woo work, and I have scripted my 'dream day' many times over. But this program required us to read this script out every. darn. day.

As the overzealous Type A person I am, I went big. And it was super exciting and I can't wait to call that life in, but it was like going from A to Z without any letters in between. So I changed it. I wrote out part B which started with "In a house with a bathtub and a backyard..." and read it every morning when I first woke up. I could see it when I read it. I could feel it when I read it. I knew that it was mine without a doubt in a single cell of my being.

Four days later, I woke up oh-so ready to move and I felt called to jump online. My intuitive nudge (this came through as claircognizance - a clear sense of knowing it to be true) told me to look near my dad's house - remember, I had positively no idea where was my next move - and up pops this house just forty minutes from him. It has a bathtub, a backyard, and everything else on my list.

The listing had been posted that very morning.

If I had looked any earlier, it literally would not have been there for me to find.

So, following my Emotional Authority (in Human Design), I decided to sit on it and see how it felt over time (while also acknowledging that real estate moves fast!). It didn't take long though because I could not stop thinking about this house. In my journal I wrote...

"I'm terrified!! But I also kind of want it. It's all happened so quickly which I know the Universe moves fast and the thought of packing up and moving next month is big but it feels like an adventure!"

Of course, I turned to my cards for guidance and I burst into tears when I read them. I knew that this was completely in alignment for me and that I needed to pursue this, despite the fear. The word 'courageous' had been a focus of mine for this online program and it felt so timely that this move, that would call upon the deepest depths of courage within my soul, would coincide with this personal work.

I applied for an inspection the next day and surrendered the outcome to the universe (while crossing all fingers and toes!). All the while, the Divine timing became more and more apparent - financially, March was the best month for this to happen; I had been about to purchase a new fridge which I could now get to fit the new space instead of the old; and Aries season being so energetically supportive of new beginnings.

I woke up a couple of days later with the strongest knowing that I would receive a response that day. I even had a dentist appointment and wore my cowboy boots (manifesting!! haha) and, low and behold, I received an email to schedule an inspection for that weekend.

I was flooded with the 'deliciously terrifying' feeling.

If you haven't heard me use this before, I coined it when going into my previous relationship because I knew it was going to have a big impact on my life and it was such an extreme combination of excitement and terror flowing through my body at the exact same time. That feeling has now become a guidepost when making big decisions. Deliciously terrifying means I'm on the right path and growth/expansion will be found here.

The next few days I had this constant, low-lying buzz flowing through my cells. Seriously, the excitement would not disappear! Naturally, fears around not knowing anyone in town and moving so far away from my friends and family arose. But I was reminded that true friendships figure it out - they're not rooted in proximity and convenience.

And then I started to feel into the numerology of the house (as a number two). It felt incredibly supportive for where I'm at and the season I'm heading into... and then I started seeing two everywhere! Even on a morning walk, I strolled past a house numbered 20 (two energy) with the little front gate wide open - inviting me in!

On inspection day on my way to this small country town, fear took the wheel and I started questioning everything. It was a big move. I didn't know anyone there. I live in a great location of Melbourne. I have an incredible tribe of friends there. It's comfortable and safe and keeps my options open. But you should have seen the smile on my face as I drove into town. The smile that knows.

"Driving towards the town, anxiety and some fear/doubt came up, telling me I can't do this. But as soon as I drove into the town I felt amazing. It's so beautiful. It's small and quaint and unlike anything that I've done but I was so excited. The house is everything I could have hoped for. And the people are so friendly!!"

I arrived early so I had a bit of a wander and found a white-goods store that delivered locally (one issue I had been trying to fix all week, solved) and every person I came across said hello to me. I had a look at the house and it was literally as if this place had been made for me! Then, before I left, I took a stroll up to the gardens where a whole bunch of stalls and a jumping castle and a sausage sizzle was all set up. I asked one of the stalls what it was all about... it was 'Welcome Day' to welcome the new residents to the town and share with them everything that the town has to offer.

Seriously. The one day I picked to go up and see this house. And they were hosting a 'Welcome Day'. I don't know that you can get a signier sign than that!!

I put in my application and that was that.

Now, if you follow along on Instagram, you'll know that the day I picked up the keys I stopped by a local cafe on my way back to Melbourne. I happened to meet the owner who, when she asked if I knew anyone in town and I said no, introduced herself and gifted me my coffee and pastry as a 'welcome to town' gift. We have since become friends and she's given me all the info I need to know - like where is the best take out (!!) and the beautiful walking tracks - and all of the synchronicities just continue to surprise me.

I know I have found my next right thing and my guides have confirmed that every step of the way. I love that this whole experience has proved to me and reminded me that we don't need to have the 'how' figured out. When we are really clear on the what, and the timing aligns, the Universe (your guides, God, your higher self, whatever feels right to you) conspires to make it happen. We are human and we're here to have a human experience in its full glory (and it certainly wasn't sunshine and rainbows the whole way to here) but I know in my heart of hearts that this move was divinely orchestrated and I trust my own courage to bring it into the 3D; it gifts me such faith that, between me and my guides, my path is taken care of.

Ellee is a qualified holistic counsellor accredited with IICT. She has a Bachelor in Complementary Medicine and is passionate about all things spiritual wellness.

Ellee Picken

Ellee is a qualified holistic counsellor accredited with IICT. She has a Bachelor in Complementary Medicine and is passionate about all things spiritual wellness.

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