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Stories from a Sage

astrology gene keys human design birth chart readings

More than your sign - what else is in your birth chart?

February 07, 20224 min read

"Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you." Dane Rudhyar

Let's start at the beginning and how birth charts are even created.

There is always energy (photonic light waves) streaming down to Earth, all day, every day. When a planet, sun, or moon is in the way, it activates the energy. This specific energy imprints on to our body and soul at the time of our birth. We can then dive deeper into understanding this energetic imprinting by decoding our birth chart and discovering all it has to offer.

There are numerous modalities that interpret this information (traditional and contemporary); I particularly focus on Western astrology, Human Design, and the Gene Keys. Each utilise the planetary placements at the time of your birth (and some modalities combine the placements at 88 days prior) to interpret the energetic imprinting from the planets and what that means for your soul and your energetic expression in this lifetime.

Many think that astrology just divides people up into twelve groups based on your sun (star) sign but it is so much more nuanced than that! By layering the signs, the houses, the planets, and the overall construction of the chart, you get a birth chart that is more than just the sum of its parts.

The Gene Keys takes the planetary placement of astrology and builds upon it with the 64 hexagrams from the I Ching (parallel to the 64 codons of your DNA!) and Human Design is a synthesis of astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah tree of life, and the chakra system.

Each of these utilises the same information but interprets the energy with a different focus or perspective. It's like analysing a meal through the lens of palate vs macronutrients vs ingredients/caloric makeup. Each provides its own knowledge and it all can be useful.

Since each modality creates its own unique birth chart, it can be a little mind-boggling and a little overwhelming to get started. And once you get over the initial shock, just how many rabbit holes can you go down in one day? (I have an answer to that if you keep reading)

This ever-changing energy also influences us day-to-day as the planets orbit and transit through the skies. The moon phases, planets going retrograde, the placement of the sun. It's mostly subtle but I'm sure we've all felt some tumultuous sky energy at one point or another!

By understanding our birth chart, we understand ourselves at a deeper level. And when we understand ourselves more, and give ourselves permission to be who we are intrinsically designed to be, we can wholeheartedly show up in the world and shine our light.

As above, so below, as within, so without. When we expand our insight into the skies, we expand our insight into ourselves, and we understand others more deeply, too. We extend more compassion because we understand our energetic imprints may be completely different.

We connect more authentically with the collective because we understand more about our soul similarities and our human differences.

These modalities are incredible tools to not only understand yourself and others, but to establish deeper relationships with your body, mind, soul, and people in your world. This isn't about predicting the future or divination - it's a system about possibility and fulfilment.

Understanding my personal birth charts (which is an ever-evolving journey) has changed the way I show up in the world. It made me feel seen in such a way that I can now see myself much more clearly. It gave me a permission slip to be all parts of me - even the ones that I fought against, thinking there was something 'wrong' with me (especially my sensitivity which I had always thought was a bad thing!). It framed the lessons I have come to learn in this lifetime (which helped me understand my past) and it clarified my soul's purpose and what I am here to embody. And on the most basic level, it gave me a framework to apply in my relationships, my work, and the way I make decisions that is uniquely my own. Rather than taking this information as dogma, I play and experiment and adjust it all in ways that feel aligned for me. I invite you to do the same.

Part of my calling in this lifetime is in helping people feel seen and less alone in the world. I know that understanding your birth chart offers that 'seen' feeling and it is my honour to be a part of that process. By taking what I have learnt through my self-studies, I can gift my wisdom whilst witnessing the other exactly where they're at.

Doing the leg work on your behalf, I am launching 'Alchemy' sessions from 22/2/22. A 90 minute Zoom call synthesising your astrology, Human Design, and Gene Keys birth charts in a unique, intuitive interpretation by someone who is designed to deeply see others, see patterns, and truly understand people. If your cells are fizzing with curiosity, read more here.

Ellee is a qualified holistic counsellor accredited with IICT. She has a Bachelor in Complementary Medicine and is passionate about all things spiritual wellness.

Ellee Picken

Ellee is a qualified holistic counsellor accredited with IICT. She has a Bachelor in Complementary Medicine and is passionate about all things spiritual wellness.

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