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Stories from a Sage

astrology chart reading

It’s not just knowing your chart, it’s living it.

February 22, 20224 min read

Reading about, and resonating with, the energy of being a Projector is one thing – it led to a greater understanding of myself and taking some of the pressure off – but nothing changes if nothing changes. It wasn’t until I allowed myself time to slow down, to rest more, to play more, and to stop working so damn hard ALL THE TIME that I truly experienced the gift of learning Human Design.

When I understood my profile (1/3), I saw the ‘investigator’ part of myself (the third line is another story and probably another blog post to come!) but it was in allowing myself to show up as the nerd – rather than a ‘know-it-all – and buy all the books and trust that the knowledge I gather is exactly right and will serve me and others in this lifetime.

Authority in Human Design is a highly practical and implementable part of your chart and knowing that I have Emotional Authority (clarity and knowing comes over time) gave me permission to stop trying to make decisions so quickly and putting pressure on myself to be ‘better’ at deciding. When I started saying “Let me sleep on that” or “I’ll get back to you”, or even just not responding to a text message request/invitation straight away, I created space to let the knowing slowly flow in and stopped making decisions based on my emotions or good old FOMO.

If you generate your chart and find you’re a Manifestor, you get to step out of the paradigm of doing things someone else’s way (or the way things have always been done). If you discover you’re a Generator, there’s permission to follow what lights you up and to enjoy the process of mastering that. Reflectors are shown that the people and places they surround themselves with have an immeasurable effect on them and to consider what influences they want coming into their aura. And, Manifesting Generators, you are finally told that you can change your mind as often as you please and you don’t have to stick to something if it no longer feels good. And that’s just one tiny part from one modality! Go digging deeper and you find a whole lot more.

Contrary to the ‘hustle culture’ that currently exists in our society, the notion of ‘make it happen', most charts actually contain a good dose of waiting: waiting to respond, waiting to be recognised and invited, waiting 28 days, waiting for a spark of inspiration. Our mind is an impatient little supercomputer that is telling us ‘go, go, go’ but it’s our body that knows. Timing is a beautiful, divinely intervened, thing and, when we look at nature, we realise can’t be rushed. Understanding your birth chart is knowing what species of plant you are and what conditions are most supportive of your growth and blossoming process. But you then need to follow those directions and wait patiently for the flowers to come.

Working with our energetic imprinting frees us from the ‘should’s and the have to’s and the need to’s and the do it this way's and the do it that way's’.

We don’t need a course or a coach or a therapist to tell us how it’s done. Our soul and our body know. (We can absolutely utilise these modalities and resources but not at the expense of listening to our intuition and the wisdom that our birth charts provide).

And we can use this information to our advantage! We can literally craft and create a life that is in alignment with our energy, that is not prescribed by the world, but sculpted over time on our own terms. Piece by piece we can recreate the foundations that our life is built upon and brick by brick we build a way of living that brings us joy and peace.

This isn't something that (generally) happens over night! The process starts with the knowing (we can't use what we don't know) but it also has to flow over into the living. We can spend all our lives with our heads in the sand following the ways of the world; we can spend all of our spare time in perpetual 'motion', learning and studying and researching and understanding our charts from a multitude of perspectives and systems; or we can get into 'action' by seeking this knowledge and then turning it into wisdom through implementation and integration. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

None of these systems are meant to be dogmatic. The essence is not to be restrictive. The essence is to be permission-giving, life-giving, an opportunity to explore, experiment, and allow space for you to be different. To try living outside the box. Human Design, Astrology, Gene Keys aren't designed to be just a different set of rules to abide by. They tear up the societal rules of living so you can design your own life in your own way.

When you know better, you do better (Maya Angelou). And when you do better, that's when the magic happens.

Ellee is a qualified holistic counsellor accredited with IICT. She has a Bachelor in Complementary Medicine and is passionate about all things spiritual wellness.

Ellee Picken

Ellee is a qualified holistic counsellor accredited with IICT. She has a Bachelor in Complementary Medicine and is passionate about all things spiritual wellness.

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