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My first experience with Eclipse Season was pretty full on... It was a number of years ago now and I had a two-week period of being in a dark, dark place, completely unexpectedly, with no real spiral or gradual transition into it. It honestly felt like I had just randomly fallen in a hole. It was only after I learned of eclipses that I realised actually how big of an impact they can have on us. I knew that the Full Moon could elicit some craziness and that the energy of the skies influence us more than we know, but this first-hand experience really drove it home.
Now, this isn't to say that every Eclipse Season brings about the same emotions and I certainly don't find myself in 'the hole' twice a year, in line with the eclipses. Also, I'm incredibly conscious of what we call into existence and not creating a self-fulfilling prophecy, but I think that having some awareness leading into the fact can help us navigate the potentially treacherous waters of Eclipse Season. Knowledge is power.
Twice a year we get a two-week window that occurs between a new moon (solar) eclipse and a full moon (lunar) eclipse.
Eclipse Season is like a two-week energetic growth spurt.
This gifts us an energy supportive of letting go that which is no longer serving us (and is, indeed, keeping us restricted and playing small) so that we can grow and step into the next evolution of ourselves. It is a time of illumination, clarity, and change.
But, just like with a physical growth spurt, growing pains are perfectly normal. If we're not aware, we can wonder what is wrong with us and where the bloody hell did all these big feelings come from?!
It can be intense.
We can start questioning ourselves, feel incredibly destabilised, and be thrown into a pool of doubt, uncertainty, fear, and despair. This comes from a place of gaining clarity, but it can be a bit of a dark path before we get to the space of illumination and awareness. The point of bringing this to your attention however, is not all doom and gloom, but to help keep perspective if any of these gremlins come up.
The days leading into the solar eclipse can also bring up some wobbly feelings.
The most important thing to note during this time is to support yourself through it. This is not a time to be manifesting and calling in what you want (like we usually do under a new moon); go through this period of surrender and release to bring greater alignment and higher vibration to call those things in when this is over.
If you find Eclipse Season to be an intense time for you, scaffold around you with whatever helps you feel supported when shit is hard. Some suggestions from me:
✨ Journal, meditate, call your friends, speak to a counsellor, get your feelings witnessed and acknowledge
✨ Stay hydrated. Drinking water helps energy move and we want to move those feelings out of your body as easily as possible
✨ Move your body. For the same reasons as drinking water - let's feel these feelings and then move them through and out of your body
✨ If your feelings get BIG, reach out. Get help. Please don't navigate this alone.
✨ Get out into nature as much as you can
✨ Remember that it's an energetic shifting and that it will end soon. Hang in there
Also, I subscribe to the belief that the full moon lunar eclipse (that closes out this period) is not the time to pop your crystals out due to the somewhat tumultuous energy at this time.
If you do experience some 'growing pains' and find yourself a little more prickly than usual, I hope that this information is somewhat helpful.
Take care of you.
Ellee Picken
Ellee is a qualified holistic counsellor accredited with IICT. She has a Bachelor in Complementary Medicine and is passionate about all things spiritual wellness.