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Stories from a Sage

mercury retrograde

Mercury Retrograde - big, bad wolf or misunderstood?

January 19, 20225 min read

Poor little Mercury – such a powerful planet who always seems to get a bad rap when he moves “backward”.

The planet of communication, thought, and intelligence, he influences how we express ourselves, how we engage in conversation, how we like to engage with our mind, and how we learn. Whilst Uranus is the planet of technology (and innovation), naturally, as it forms a vital part of the way we communicate in today’s society, Mercury can have a bit of an influence on our gadgets, too.

Mercury is our fastest moving planet in astrology; but he also goes retrograde three to four times a year. This means he appears to stop where he is (abruptly!) and start moving back through the zodiac, which disrupts how we experience his energy. Side note: this is actually an optical illusion – just like being on a train can play tricks on your eyes – he doesn’t actually reverse his orbit.

Retrograde = respite. It is a gift.

It’s an opportunity to stop hustling forward and take a break. Take a deep breath and go introspective. Slow down and reflect.

However, as the energy slows down through this planet, our communication and mind (and technology!) start to slow down, too. This is where the infamous misunderstandings, delays, and mishaps that Mercury retrograde is so well known for come in to play.

When a planet goes retrograde, essentially, it is covering old ground. It has travelled through a certain part of the sky, it turns around and heads back, until it goes direct and travels through this same part for the third time. Now, if you’re comfortable with the energy in this particular part of the sky, it may not be much for you to worry about personally. But, if you’ve got some lessons here, going through the energy three times can be a bit of a time! This can be particularly relevant to you if your birth chart has a planet stationed in this piece of the sky.

Also, as we circle back on the path we have taken, it’s an opportunity to course correct. If things aren’t going in the direction that you want them to (or is for your highest good), this is the perfect time to pivot and bring change or, if you’re being resistant, for the Universe to pivot for you – guiding you towards what is best for you.

Did you know that if Mercury was retrograde when you were born then this may feel comfortable for you and be a time of mental clarity and self-expression without the hustle, clutter, and doubt?

Remember that retrograde is for the RE’s: reflect, rest, retreat, rejuvenate, realign, re-evaluate, reassess, respite, review, rethink, reset.

Collectively, the retrograde phase typically causes delays, miscommunications, confusion, and missteps. We can prepare for this and ‘scaffold’ ourselves by allowing extra time for deadlines, having patience when there are delays (with the doctor or from the postie!), double-check that you have dotted all your i’s and crossed your t’s when preparing documents or sending electronic communication. Be aware that there may be hiccups or delays and that, naturally, this can be frustrating.

Next is a little list of some dos and don’ts but, most importantly, please don’t let Mercury stop you from living your life. We can’t always work around his schedule and some of these things will simply be unavoidable (and that is okay!).


Talk through any feelings that come up during this time; make time and space for reflection (whether that’s therapy, journaling, exercising, meditating, etc); carve out some alone time; organise your filing system and clear out anything you no longer need; backup your computer and gadgets; reach out to the people that fill your soul that you may have lost touch with or it’s just been a while; double check your schedule; return to unfinished projects or courses or books that still feel really good; proofread/check all outgoing messages and emails; trust you are being redirected for your highest good; sing and laugh to clear any stagnant throat chakra energy; take this time to consider any big decisions before acting upon them.


Buy new tech gadgets, TV’s, phones, etc; launch a new business or project; apply for a new job; move to a new house; start a new course, degree, or education; force what is not working (aka push sh*t uphill); sign important documents or contracts (if you must, make sure you read all the fine print); make any big decisions or purchases (if at all possible, it’s best to postpone); react quickly without thinking.

*Mercury retrograde is also known for bringing exes out of the woodwork. Since it's a time of moving backward, these things can happen, but, like with everything else, now is the time for reflection and not the time to be making big decisions. Wait until Mercury goes direct again to know whether it's actually what you want moving forward.

Things to consider during retrograde: the first few days and the last few days tend to be the most disruptive. Just as slamming on the breaks and switching into reverse can give us a bit of whiplash, that first day in retrograde tends to be the bumpiest, but as we progress through the weeks, it will feel clearer. Also, the sign(s) Mercury is in will flavour the retrograde, so they actually won’t all feel the same.

Let me be clear, this time isn’t something to be feared. It’s an opportunity, a gift from the Universe. If we see life as a series of experiments, this is the time to stop doing, testing, and practicing, and review the data and information to make adjustments. It’s the time to check and see if you’ve missed anything. To tune into whether these experiments feel good anymore or if you want to try something new. Just remember that we’re all experiencing these ‘life experiment’ pauses at the same time so we may not be engaging with the world as our best selves during this “audit”.

Ellee is a qualified holistic counsellor accredited with IICT. She has a Bachelor in Complementary Medicine and is passionate about all things spiritual wellness.

Ellee Picken

Ellee is a qualified holistic counsellor accredited with IICT. She has a Bachelor in Complementary Medicine and is passionate about all things spiritual wellness.

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